Tutorial (Advanced)
To display information for the other design
sections in the emboroidery, click on Next and
Previous to move back and forth through
each section.
Check the design, and then click Close.
Step 4 Saving the design
Once the embroidery design is finished, you may
want to save it in order to retrieve it later.
Click File, then Save.
Select the drive and the folder, and then type
in the file name.
Click Save.
a Note:
Before an embroidery pattern created in a
custom Design Page is saved or transferred
to an original card, running stitches are
added at the edges of the design sections so
that the design sections can easily be
aligned during sewing. This alignment
stitching appears in the
and cannot be edited. (For more details,
refer to “Embroidering” on page 191.)
a Note:
If a section of the design exceeds the
maximum allowed for the stitch count or
number of colors, a message appears,
describing the limitations and asking
whether or not the pattern should be saved
anyway. If the embroidery pattern extends
off the Design Page, a message appears,
asking whether or not the pattern should be
saved anyway. If the design is saved
anyway, it must be edited before it will be