Previous Destination Memory
Each time you select Start from the map screen,
that destination will be stored as a memory
category will store up to 10 destinations.
When the Previous Destination category contains
more than 10 destinations, the system will
remove the oldest destination stored and add the
most recent one selected to the list.
If you do not want a previous destination to be
lost, you must move the destination into a memory
point category. See “Moving Memory Points”
earlier in this section for more information.
Home Memory
This memory point is stored by selecting Home
from the EDIT MEMORY POINT screen. See
“Registering Memory Points” earlier in this section
and “Home” under Enter Destination on page 259
for more information.
Edit Waypoint
Waypoints are destinations you can set along the
way to your final destination. This feature
allows you to add, edit, and delete waypoints.
You may set up to five waypoints on the way to
your final destination.
To access the WAYPOINT menu, do the following:
1. Press the ROUTE key.
2. Touch Edit Waypoint.