Ordering Map DVDs
You will receive two free DVD map disc updates
with the purchase of your new vehicle. Updates
are necessary to make sure that your vehicle’s
navigation system has the most accurate
information available about streets/roads, points of
interest, and business locations.
The updates are provided by the GM Nav Disc
Center at the first and second anniversary dates of
your vehicle’s delivery date. About four to six weeks
before those anniversary dates, you will receive a
post card from the GM Nav Disc Center reminding
you that a free update is available. The center will
request confirmation of your mailing address either
by having you contact the toll-free number,
1–877–NAV–DISC (1–877–628–3472), or the
center’s website, www.gmnavdisc.com. After
verifying your address you should receive the
updated disc in about two weeks. After receiving
the updated disc, replace the old disc in the
navigation system. See “Installing the DVD Map
Disc” and “Ejecting the DVD Map Disc” under Maps
on page 271. Dispose of the old disc to avoid
confusion about which disc is the most current.
If you have any questions about the operation of
the navigation system or the update process,
call the GM Nav Disc Center or go to the center’s
website. If you need any future updates or a
replacement disc, because the current disc is lost,
damaged, or needs to be updated, call the GM
Nav Disc Center or order a new disc online.
To order a disc, have your Vehicle Identification
Number (VIN) available. This helps the center
make sure you receive the correct and most up to
date DVD map disc for your vehicle. See
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on page 451
for more information.
Database Coverage Explanations
Coverage areas vary with respect to the level of
map detail available for any given area. Some
areas will feature greater levels of detail than
others. If this happens, it does not mean there is a
problem with the system. As the map DVD is
updated, more detail may become available for
areas which previously had limited detail. See
Ordering Map DVDs on page 284.