This destination entry method allows you to input
an address by providing the system with a
house number, street name, and city. Select Street
to begin entering the desired address.
To use this destination entry method, do the
1. Enter the street name using the alpha keypad.
See “Alpha-Numeric Keypad” under Using the
Navigation System on page 240 for more
Do not include name extensions such as N. or
Drive. For example, the street name N.
Civic Center Drive should be entered as Civic
Center. As information is entered, the
system will automatically search for available
names, and List will become available.
2. Touch List to view name choices or continue
to spell the street name to further reduce
the number of available items. Select a
street name.
3. If the street name you entered exists in more
than one city on the DVD database, a list of
cities will appear. You can select a city from the
list, or enter the city name by selecting City. As
you begin to enter the city name, you can
select the desired city from the list which will
appear, or continue to spell the city name to
further reduce the number of available items.
4. Once the city name has been selected, enter
the house number using the numeric keypad.
The system will list the house number
range that is available for the street.
5. When you have finished entering all of the
address information, touch Enter to plan
your route.