Menu Descriptions
Machine Settings
SCAN The Scan mode is selected as default.
2. VOLUME CONTROL Adjusts the beep or alarm volume of the machine.
1. KEYPAD VOLUME Adjusts the volume of keypad tones.
0 to 3 (1)
2. ALARM VOLUME Adjusts the alarm volume.
0 to 3 (1)
3. TX DONE TONE Sets the transmission end tone settings.
ERROR ONLY The transmission end tone sounds only when any
error occurs while printing.
1 to 3 (1)
OFF The transmission end tone does not sound.
ON The transmission end tone sounds.
1 to 3 (1)
4. RX DONE TONE Sets the reception end tone settings.
ERROR ONLY The reception end tone sounds only when any
error occurs while printing.
1 to 3 (1)
OFF The reception end tone does not sound.
ON The reception end tone sounds.
1 to 3 (1)
5. PRINT DONE TONE Sets the printing end tone settings.
ERROR ONLY The printing end tone sounds only when any error
occurs while printing.
1 to 3 (1)
OFF The printing end tone does not sound.
ON The printing end tone sounds.
1 to 3 (1)
6. SCAN DONE TONE Sets the scanning end tone settings.
ERROR ONLY A scanning end tone sounds only when any error
occurs while scanning.
1 to 3 (1)
OFF The scanning end tone does not sound.
ON A scanning end tone sounds.
1 to 3 (1)
7. CALLING VOLUME Adjusts the calling volume.
1 to 3 (1)
Name Descriptions