
LEGEND (Fig. 5-12, Table 2)
AFS Airflow Switch
AO Analog Output
AOTC Analog Output Temperature Control
Air Quality Sensor, No. 1
Air Quality Sensor, No. 2
CCW Counterclockwise
CH Channel
CR Control Relay
CUST Condensing Unit Status
CV Constant Volume
CW Clockwise
CWV Chilled Water Valve
DHH Duct High Humidity
DO Discrete Output
DOTC Discrete Output Temperature Control
DSIO Control Module, Electric Heat and/or DX
DTCC Discrete Time Clock Control
DX Direct Expansion
DXS DX Cooling Stage
DXSD Direct Expansion Cooling Shutdown
EHS Electric Heaters
ELEC Electric
ENT Enthalpy Switch
EQUIP Equipment
EVAC Smoke Evacuation Input
EXD Exhaust Air Damper Actuator
FLTS Filter Status Switch
FSD Fire Shutdown Device
FU Fuse
GND Ground
HIR Heat Interlock Relay
HOA Hand-Off-Auto. Switch
HPS High-Pressure Switch
HSIO Keyboard and Display Module
HT Heat
HUM Humidifier
HWV Hot Water Valve
IGV Inlet Guide Vane Actuator
LTT Low Temperature Thermostat
MAD Mixed-Air Damper Actuator
MAT Mixed-Air Temperature
MPSIO Master Processor Module
(Processor Module)
OAD Outdoor-Air Damper Actuator
OARH Outdoor-Air Relative Humidity
OAT Outdoor-Air Temperature
OAVP Outdoor-Air Velocity Pressure
OT Outside-Air Thermostat
PH Preheat
PL Plug Assembly
PRESS Smoke Pressurization Input
PSIO Processor Module
PURG Smoke Purge Input
RAD Return-Air Damper Actuator
RAT Return-Air Temperature
RFAN Return Fan
RFR Return Fan Relay
RFVC Return Fan Volume Control
RH Relative Humidity
RVP Return Velocity Pressure
SAT Supply-Air Temperature
SF Fan Status Relay
SFAN Supply Fan
SFR Supply Fan Relay
SMK Smoke
SNB Snubber
SP Static Pressure Transducer
SPSIO Slave Processor Module
(Option Module)
SPT Space Temperature
SVP Supply Velocity Pressure
SW Switch
TB Terminal Block Terminal
TEMP Temperature
TRAN Transformer
VAV Variable Air Volume
W/ With
WO/ Without
Marked Wire or Cable
Terminal (Marked)
Terminal (Unmarked)
Terminal Block
Splice (Factory)
Splice (Field)
Wiring Factory
Wiring Field Control
Wiring Field Power
Option or Accessory
Common Potential
1. Use copper conductors only.
2. Wire is in accordance with National Electrical Code (NEC). For local codes,
replace original wires with 90 C wire or its equivalent.
3. Replace wires from IGV, FLTS, MAT, SAT, OAD, RAD, and ELEC HT with
125 C plenum cable conductor as required.
4. Input channel numbers and points for configuration of the optional
analog output temperature control (AOTC) follow:
1 SAT Supply-Air Temperature
2 OAT Outdoor-Air Temperature
3 MAT Mixed-Air Temperature
6 SPT Space-Air Temperature
7 RAT Return-Air Temperature
34 TEMP Preheat or Optional Carrier Sensor
5. Reference for wire markers, where ‘X’ represents a numeral:
X Item number on wiring harness
BX Box wire
CX Cable
KX Accessory kit wire