Table 16 — Service Configuration Ranges and Defaults (cont)
Night Purge Duration (minutes) 5 to 240 15
Night Purge Low Temperature Damper Position (% output) 0 to 100 10
Night Purge High Temperature Damper Position (% output) 0 to 100 35
Constant Outside Air Master Proportional Gain 0.0 to 5.0 0.3
Constant Outside Air Master Integral Gain 0.0 to 5.0 1.0
Constant Outside Air Master Derivative Gain 0.0 to 5.0 0.0
Constant Outside Air Submaster Gain 60 to 600 *
OAVP Sensor Low Voltage Point 0 to 2 2
OAVP Sensor High Voltage Point 5 to 10 10
OAVP Sensor Low Voltage Reference 0.0 to 2.0 0.0
OAVP Sensor High Voltage Reference 0.01 to 5.00 0.05
OAVP Sensor Probe Multiplier Factor 0.100 to 9.999 1.564
Air Quality Sensor 1 Master Proportional Gain 0.01 to 1.00 0.10
Air Quality Sensor 1 Master Integral Gain 0.01 to 1.00 0.03
Air Quality Sensor 1 Maximum Damper Position (%) 0 to 100 50
Air Quality Sensor 1 Low Voltage Point 0 to 2 2
Air Quality Sensor 1 High Voltage Point 5 to 10 10
Air Quality Sensor 1 Low Voltage Reference 0 to 2000 0
Air Quality Sensor 1 High Voltage Reference 0 to 2000 2000
Air Quality Sensor 2 Master Proportional Gain 0.01 to 1.00 0.10
Air Quality Sensor 2 Master Integral Gain 0.01 to 1.00 0.03
Air Quality Sensor 2 Maximum Damper Position (%) 0 to 100 50
Air Quality Sensor 2 Low Voltage Point 0 to 2 2
Air Quality Sensor 2 High Voltage Point 5 to 10 10
Air Quality Sensor 2 Low Voltage Reference 0 to 2000 0
Air Quality Sensor 2 High Voltage Reference 0 to 2000 2000
Building Factor (%) 1 to 100 10
24 hour Unoccupied Factor 0 to 99 15
Set Point Bias (F) 0 to 10 2
Maximum Allowable Stop Time 0 to 120 60
Reset Ratio 0 to 10 3
Reset Limit 0 to 20 10
Supply Velocity Upper Limit (in. wg) 0 to 3.0 2.0
Return Velocity Upper Limit (in. wg) 0 to 3.0 2.0
Supply Duct Area 0 to 50 0
Return Duct Area 0 to 50 0
Fan Tracking Master Proportional Gain 0.0 to 2.0 0.5
Fan Tracking Master Integral Gain 0.0 to 2.0 0.5
Fan Tracking Master Derivative Gain 0.0 to 5.0 0.0
Fan Tracking Submaster Gain −20.0 to 20.0 10.0
Fan Tracking Submaster Center Value (%) 0 to 100 50
Humidity Master Proportional Gain 0.0 to 10.0 2.0
Humidity Master Integral Gain 0.0 to 2.0 0.3
Humidity Master Derivative Gain 0.0 to 10.0 0.0
Humidity Submaster Gain −20.0 to 20.0 7.5
Humidity Submaster Center Value (%) 0 to 100 50
Space Temperature Low Alarm Limit — Occupied (F) −10 to 245 65
Space Temperature High Alarm Limit — Occupied (F) −10 to 245 80
Space Temperature Low Alarm Limit — Unoccupied (F) −10 to 245 45
Space Temperature High Alarm Limit — Unoccupied (F) −10 to 245 100
Supply Air Temperature Low Alarm Limit — Occupied (F) −10 to 245 45
Supply Air Temperature High Alarm Limit — Occupied (F) −10 to 245 120
Supply Air Temperature Low Alarm Limit — Unoccupied (F) −10 to 245 35
Supply Air Temperature High Alarm Limit — Unoccupied (F) −10 to 245 180
Return Air Temperature Low Alarm Limit — Occupied (F) −10 to 245 60
Return Air Temperature High Alarm Limit — Occupied (F) −10 to 245 90
Return Air Temperature Low Alarm Limit — Unoccupied (F) −10 to 245 35
Return Air Temperature High Alarm Limit — Unoccupied (F) −10 to 245 120
Temperature Input Low Alarm Limit — Occupied (F) −10 to 245 −10
Temperature Input High Alarm Limit — Occupied (F) −10 to 245 245
Temperature Input Low Alarm Limit — Unoccupied (F) −10 to 245 −10
Temperature Input High Alarm Limit — Unoccupied (F) −10 to 245 245
Outside Air Temperature Low Alarm Limit (F) −40 to 245 −40
Outside Air Temperature High Alarm Limit (F) −40 to 245 120
Mixed Air Temperature Low Alarm Limit (F) 0 to 250 0
Mixed Air Temperature High Alarm Limit (F) 0 to 250 250
Relative Humidity Low Alarm Limit (%) 0 to 100 0
Relative Humidity High Alarm Limit (%) 0 to 100 100
Outside Air Relative Humidity Low Alarm Limit (%) 0 to 100 0
Outside Air Relative Humidity High Alarm Limit (%) 0 to 100 100
Static Pressure Low Alarm Limit (in. wg) 0 to 5.0 1.0
Static Pressure High Alarm Limit (in. wg) 0 to 5.0 2.5
Supply Velocity Low Alarm Limit (in. wg) 0 to 3.0 0.0
Supply Velocity High Alarm Limit (in. wg) 0 to 3.0 3.0
Return Velocity Low Alarm Limit (in. wg) 0 to 3.0 0.0
Return Velocity High Alarm Limit (in. wg) 0 to 3.0 3.0
Delta CFM x 100 (CCFM) Low Alarm Limit 0 to 250 0
Delta CFM x 100 (CCFM) High Alarm Limit 0 to 250 250
Air Quality Sensor 1 High Alarm Limit (ppm) 0 to 2000 800
Air Quality Sensor 2 High Alarm Limit (ppm) 0 to 2000 800
Preheat Coil/AOTC Master Proportional Gain 0.0 to 20.0 5.0
Preheat Coil/AOTC Master Integral Gain 0.0 to 2.0 0.3
Preheat Coil/AOTC Master Derivative Gain 0.0 to 20.0 0.0
Preheat Coil/AOTC Submaster Gain −20.0 to 20.0 −5.0
Preheat Coil/AOTC Submaster Center Value (%) 0 to 100 F 50
Preheat Coil/AOTC Fan/Off Value (F) 35 to 65 40
Preheat Coil/AOTC Sensor 0 to 128 0
Discrete Temperature Control Sensor 0 to 128 0
Discrete Temperature Control Logic 0 to 1 0
Discrete Temperature Control Hysteresis (F) 0 to 20 2
Service/Maintenance Limits (hours x 1000) 0 to 99 0
Service/Maintenance Elapsed Hours (hours x 1000) 0 to 99 0
AOTC — Analog Output Temperature Control
OAVP — Outside Air Velocity Pressure