
The Outside Air Temperature Sensor must be used whenever an
Outside Air Damper is installed. An Outside Air Temperature
Sensor must also be used for dual fuel applications.
Step 16—Troubleshooting
This section contains information to assist you in troubleshooting
problems and errors associated with the Comfort Zone System.
The most common operating problems and different types of errors
associated with the Comfort Zone System are:
Operating Problems—No display, flashing display, and flashing
HEAT or COOL annunciators. Comfort Zone controller selects a
system mode but does not energize heating/cooling unit.
Hardware Failure (HF) Errors—Occur when Comfort Zone
controller detects a problem with 1 of its own components or an
associated device.
Storage Failure (SF) Errors—Occur when Comfort Zone con-
troller detects and replaces faulty data contained within its memory
with factory selected default values.
Transparent Errors—Occur when Comfort Zone controller de-
tects a system or zone operating problem.
When any zone cannot maintain room temperature within 5°F of
desired setpoint for a period of 20 minutes, a comfort trend error
is declared. This error is transparent and will not be shown on
controller display. If a Home Access Module (HAM) is on the
system, the ACS dealer or national ACS response center will
receive a call identifying this error.
For continuing optimum performance and to minimize possible
equipment failure, it is essential that periodic maintenance be
performed on this equipment. Consult your servicing contractor or
User’s Manual for the proper frequency of maintenance. Fre-
quency of maintenance may vary depending upon geographic area.
Leave system manual with homeowner.
Explain system operation and maintenance procedures outlined in
User’s Manual.