Table 11—Toggle Summary
(T1)-Timeguard Override
Timeguard delay is 30 sec, overrides 5-minute delay be-
tween de-energizing and re-energizing HVAC stages. This
option automatically returns to OFF after 30 sec timeout. If
equipment has been shut down due to a leaving air tem-
perature trip, the timeguard override has no effect.
Time delay is standard 5 minutes be-
tween de-energizing and re-energizing
HVAC stages.
(T2)-Celsius Display Temperature and setpoints are displayed in Celsius degrees.
Temperature and setpoints are displayed
in Fahrenheit degrees.
(T3)-2400 Baud Rate Communication baud rate is 2400. Communications baud rate is 4800. ON
(T4)-Error Code Display
Non-critical errors are displayed.*; when set to ON both
SF/HF errors are displayed.
Only critical errors are displayed. ON
(T5)-Enable Broadcast
The system broadcasts the time on communication bus with
every scan.
The system does not broadcast time or
outside air temperatures on bus.
(T6)-Heat Pump Operation
Heat Pump mode
First-stage heat pump will energize Y1 to turn compressor
No heat pump operation. Used for electric
heat or gas furnace. W1 will be energized
for heat.
(T7)-Outside Air Temperature
The system assumes that an outside air temperature sensor
is attached and will broadcast outside air temperature on
communication bus if enable broadcast is turned on.
The outside air temperature sensor is not
(T8)-Comfort Trend Staging
The system will energize the second stage only if zone de-
mand exceeds 2˚F and the zone temperature has not im-
proved at least 0.1˚F for 6 minutes. The 6 minute timer is
reset if the zone temperature trend is improving.
A 2˚F demand alone will energize the
second stage after timeguard between
stages has been satisfied.
(T9)-Auto Fan Off For Heat
When the fan switch is set to AUTO, the system will not en-
ergize the fan during heat modes. This allows the equipment
to control fan operation for proper heat exchanger warm-up.
The fan relay is energized during heating
and cooling.
(T10)-High/Low Temperature Limits
The system will check leaving air temperature (measured by
the duct sensor) for excessive heating and cooling limits.
Cool limits are fixed at 50˚ F (second-stage cool de-
energized) and 45˚ F (first-stage cool de-energized). Heating
limits are programmable between 105˚/110˚ to 155˚/175˚F.
Operates the same as ’ON’ position, but
dampers will not modulate open in a LAT
(T11)-Installer Switch Lockout
Rotary switch positions 1 through 7 and S on controller dis-
play will display dashes.
All switch positions operate normally. OFF
(T12)-Force Outside Air Ventilation
The outside air damper is forced to a minimum position of 2
when fan is on.
The outside air damper is set to the posi-
tion the system requests.
(T13)-Smart Sensor Attached For Zone 2
The system assumes a smart sensor is attached to zone 2.
The 4 zone controller will read zone temperature and set-
points for zone 2 via the 3-wire communication bus at 1 ad-
dress below controller.
The system reads zone 2 temperature via
the remote room sensor.
(T14)-Smart Sensor Attached For Zone 3
The system assumes a smart sensor is attached to zone 3.
The 4 zone controller will read zone temperature and set-
points for zone 3 via the 3-wire communication bus at 2 ad-
dresses below controller.
The system reads zone 3 temperature via
the remote room sensor.
(T15)-Smart Sensor Attached For Zone 4
The system assumes a smart sensor is attached to zone 4.
The 4 zone controller will read zone temperature and set-
points for zone 4 via the 3-wire communications bus at 3
addresses below controller.
The system reads zone 4 temperature via
the remote room sensor. OFF
(T16)-Zone 2 Active Zone 2 is being used. Zone 2 is not being used. ON
(T17)-Zone 3 Active Zone 3 is being used. Zone 3 is not being used. ON
(T18)-Zone 4 Active Zone 4 is being used. Zone 4 is not being used. ON
The system will use outside air as first-stage cooling and
mechanical cooling as second stage. When outside air tem-
perature drops below 65˚ F, damper will modulate 10 per-
cent open. Full open in cooling.
The system will use only mechanical
(T20)-Enable Alternate Display
The controller display will alternate between setpoints and
zone temperatures.
The controller display will continuously
show setpoints.
(T21)-Outside Air Damper Attached
The system will operate fifth motorized damper as an out-
side air damper.
The system will operate fifth motorized
damper as a motorized bypass damper.
(T22)-System Mode Reselect
The system will re-evaluate demand while still in a mode. If
simultaneous demand exists and demand for opposite mode
exceeds demand for current mode for 20 minutes the sys-
tem will change modes.
The system will not change modes until
current mode has been satisfied.
(T23)-System Error Checking
The system will report a transparent error when any zone
cannot be maintained within 5˚ F for longer than 20 minutes.
The system will not report error. OFF
(T24)-50 Hz Operation The system will be set to operate using 50 hz power source.
The system will be set to operate using
60 hz power source.
(T25)-Ventilation Mode
When duct temperature is below 65˚F or above 80˚F damper
will go fully closed, i.e., below minimum damper position in
order to avoid over conditioning zone.
Damper position will not go below mini-
mum damper position, which is set as S5,
even when the duct temperature is too
cold or too hot.
(T26)-Two Stage Heat Pump
Y2 will be used to turn on second stage of a 2-stage com-
pressor in a heat pump system.
Second-stage operation will be canceled. OFF
(T27)-Dx Sensor for LAT Checking
Dx Sensor will be LAT checked in addition to Duct Tempera-
ture Sensor. (T-10 must also be on)
Dx Sensor is ignored for LAT checking. OFF
(T28)-Cool Without Fan
The fan will not be energized. The cooling equipment must
provide a way to turn fan on.
The fan relay is energized anytime there
is a cooling demand.
* Pressing any setpoint button when a hardware error exists causes a reset if in a run position.