The following pages explain various statistical calculation methods based on the principles
described above. Details concerning statistical principles and terminology can be found in any
standard statistics textbook.
On the initial Statistics mode screen, press 3(TEST) to display the test menu, which
contains the following items.
• 3(TEST) 1(Z) ...
Z Tests (below)
2(t) ...
t Tests (page 6-36)
3(CHI) ... χ
Test (page 6-39)
4(F) ... 2-Sample
F Test (page 6-41)
5(ANOVA) ... ANOVA (page 6-42)
After setting all the parameters, use c to move the highlighting to “Execute” and then press
one of the function keys shown below to perform the calculation or draw the graph.
• 1(CALC) ... Performs the calculation.
• 6(DRAW) ... Draws the graph.
k Test Common Functions
• You can use the procedure below to specify the graph line color before graphing test
calculation results.
1. Display the
Z-test, t-test, χ
Test, 2-Sample F Test, or Two-Way ANOVA screen.
• To display the 1-Sample
Z Test input screen, for example, display the List Editor and then
press 3(TEST)1(Z)1(1-SAMPLE).
2. Move the highlighting to “GphColor” and then press 1(COLOR).
3. On the color selection dialog box that appears, use the cursor keys to move the
highlighting to the desired color and then press w.
• V-Window settings are automatically optimized for drawing the graph.
k Z Tests
u Z Test Common Functions
You can use the following graph analysis functions after drawing a Z Test result output graph.
• 1(Z) ... Displays z score.
Pressing 1(Z) displays the z score at the bottom of the display, and displays the pointer at
the corresponding location in the graph (unless the location is off the graph screen).
Two points are displayed in the case of a two-tail test. Use d and e to move the pointer.
• 2(P) ... Displays p -value.
Pressing 2(P) displays the p -value at the bottom of the display without displaying the pointer.
• Executing an analysis function automatically stores the z and p values in alpha variables Z
and P, respectively.