Function: Creates a branching menu in a program.
Syntax: Menu "<string (menu name)>", "<string (branch name) 1>", <value or variable 1>,
"<string (branch name) 2>" ,<value or variable 2>, ... , "<string (branch name)
n >", <value or
variable n >
Parameters: value (0 to 9), variable (A to Z,
r ,
• Each "<string (branch name)
n >" ,<value or variable n > part is a branch set, and the entire
branch set must be included.
• From two to nine branching sets can be included. An error occurs when there is only one or
more than nine branching sets.
• Selecting a branch on the menu while the program is running jumps to the same type of label
n ) as the one used in combination with the Goto command. Specifying “"OK", 3” for the
“"<string (branch name) n >", <value or variable n >” part specifies a jump to Lbl 3.
Example: Lbl 2 _
Menu "IS IT DONE?", "OK", 1, "EXIT", 2 _
Lbl 1 _
k Clear Commands (CLEAR)
Function: This command clears the graph screen.
Syntax: ClrGraph
Description: This command clears the graph screen during program execution.
Function: This command deletes list data.
Syntax: ClrList <list name>
Parameters: list name: 1 to 26, Ans
Description: This command deletes the data in the list specified by “list name”. All list data is
deleted if nothing is specified for “list name”.