
14 Q-Spot™ 460-LED User Manual Rev. 5
Custom Programming
1. Select RUNMODE > EDIT > STEP.
2. Select 01~49, press <ENTER>.
a. Select PAN, press <ENTER>.
i. Set 000~255 to assign the Pan position.
b. Select TILT, press <ENTER>.
i. Set 000~255 to assign the Tilt position.
c. Select COLOR, press <ENTER>.
i. Set 000~255 to assign the Color Wheel value.
d. Select GOBO1, press <ENTER>.
i. Set 000~255 to assign the Gobo 1 Wheel value.
e. Select GOBO2, press <ENTER>.
i. Set 000~255 to assign the Gobo 2 Wheel value.
f. Select GOBO2ROT, press <ENTER>.
i. Set 000~255 to assign the Gobo 2 Rotation value.
g. Select PRI&ROT, press <ENTER>.
i. Set 000~255 to assign the Prism value.
h. Select FOCUS, press <ENTER>.
i. Set 000~255 to assign the Focus position.
i. Select DIMMER, press <ENTER>.
i. Set 000~255 to assign the Dimmer value.
j. Select STROBE, press <ENTER>.
i. Set 000~255 to assign the Strobe value.
k. Select TIME, press <ENTER>.
i. Set 000~255 to assign the Step duration.
l. Select USE, press <ENTER>.
i. Select YES to save the settings, NO to discard them.
Program Send
1. Select RUNMODE > SEND.
2. To send Run mode settings in the Q-Spot™ 460 LED to other Q-Spot™ 460 LED
products connected via Master/Slave, press <ENTER>.
a. Select YES or NO.
b. Press
Manual Settings
Reset Custom Settings
1. Select MANUAL > RESET.
2. To reset the custom, press <ENTER>.
a. Select YES to turn the LCD around or NO to keep the normal LCD view.
b. Accept the selected option.