
Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Appendix B FIM/XML
Defining Features
Define Element
The properties of the external feature are configured in the Define Element. The FIM/XML tool
processes the external FIM/XML file in the Define Element.
<define-external feature-name="TAT_1" precedence_lesser_than ="SCR"
Table 1 lists the attributes in the Define Element.
Precedence-Exception Element
The Precedence-Exception element defines the exception in the precedence list for the defined external
feature. The feature name in the precedence-exception element has a lesser precedence than the defined
external feature even after the external feature is defined below it in the precedence list.
The following is the example to define precedence exception:
<define-external feature-name=“F5“ precedence-lesser-than=“F4” >
<precedence-exception feature-name=“F2"/>
You can have as many exceptions for the precedence as you like (for example, F1>F2>F3>F4>F5>F2,
where you can define F5 precedence less than F4 and greater than F2).
Table 2 lists the attributes of the Precedence-Exception Element.
The FIM/XML tool expects the Precedence-Exception element in External FIM/XML file as follows.
<precedence-exception feature-name="CCW" />
Table 1 Attributes of Define Element
Attribute Name Required Description
feature_name Yes Name of the feature being defined. This is unique for all
the features, including FCP or ISC.
billing_name Optional The name displayed when the feature is invoked in
billing records.
precedence_lesser_than Yes The defined feature invoked after the attribute is set in
the feature name. Precedence_lesser_than can contain
any defined internal or external feature name. For
originating features the 'precedence_lesser_than' must
contain features defined on OHT_TRIGGER and for
invoke a feature as the first feature, enter the value as
NULL in precedence_lesser_than attribute.
Table 2 Attributes of Precedence-Exception Element
Attribute Name Required Description
Feature Name Yes Name of the feature that has lesser precedence than
the defined external feature.