
Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 3 Monitoring and Backing Up the BTS
Exporting Provisioned Data
c. Optional: Enable the ora_arch_backup.ksh process.
d. Log in as oracle, or su - oracle.
e. Enter crontab –e.
f. Modify the crontab file as follows. This is on the primary EMS site, database name optical1.
# Daily Oracle Hot backup - this also include archive log backup
# Note: Set hot backup process to run at 2:00am every day.
0 2 * * * /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_hot_backup.ksh optical1 > /opt/oracle/t
mp/ora_hot_backup.log 2>&1
# Oracle archive log backups, in addition to daily hot backup.
# Note: Set one additional archive log backup to run at 6:00pm every day.
0 18 * * * /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_arch_backup.ksh optical1 > /opt/
oracle/tmp/ora_arch_backup.log 2>&1
# Purge archive log files
# Note: Delete or uncomment this line to stop purging archive log files.
#0 1,3,…,23 * * * /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_purge_archlog.ksh optical1 >
/opt/oracle/tmp/ora_purge_archlog.log 2>&1
g. Repeat Step f by replacing optical1 with optical2 on the secondary EMS site.
Step 3 To setup daily file transfer to the remote archive site using FTP, see Using FTP to Setup File Transfer.
To setup daily file transfer to the remote archive site using SFTP, see Using SFTP to Setup File Transfer.
Using FTP to Setup File Transfer
Step 1 Configure the remote site.
a. Verify the oracle user access and create backup directory on FTP server site.
Primary EMS hostname: priems
Secondary EMS hostname: secems
FTP server hostname: ftpserver
FTP server Oracle password: ora00
FTP server backup directory: /opt/backup
First, test the connection to the remote FTP server using the oracle user access. If the password of
oracle is not ‘ora00’, update the ORA_PW variable in the /opt/oracle/admin/etc/dba.env file.
b. Do this on the primary and secondary EMSs:
telnet ftpserver
c. Log in as oracle and enter the password (in this case, ora00).
d. Create the /opt/backup directory. Ensure the oracle user has write permission to this directory.
mkdir /opt/backup
Note It is your responsibility to archive backup files from the ftp server /opt/backup directory to a
tape device or enterprise tape library.