
Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 3 Monitoring and Backing Up the BTS
Exporting Provisioned Data
<hostname>#flarcreate -n <hostname> -X /tmp/excluded_dir -c /mnt/<hostname>.archive
<hostname>#mv /bin/date /bin/.date
<hostname>#mv /bin/date.archive /bin/date
Step 11 Unmount the NFS server, enter <hostname>#umount /mnt.
Step 12 From the active EMS switch over all platforms, enter:
<hostname>#ssh optiuser@<hostname>
cli>control bdms id=BDMS01;target-state=standby-active;
cli>control element-manager id=EM01;target-state=standby-active;
Step 13 Repeat the procedure starting with Step 3 to back up the PRIMARY EMS/BDMS.
Backing up the EMS Database
This procedure is for experienced UNIX users. It tells you how to save the provisioning database from
the EMS to a remote server. The remote server must be:
Connected to a corporate LAN.
Backed up daily by default, the daily hot backup is not turned on at installation
The back up processes:
ora_hot_backup.ks—Backs up database data files, control files, and archive logs
ora_arch_backup.ksh—Backs up archive logs
The target backup directory on both primary and secondary EMS systems is /opt/oraback. Backup files
in /opt/oraback directory are later transferred to the /opt/backup directory in a remote archive site.
After the files are transferred, they are purged from /opt/oraback.
Step 1 Cross check the databases on the primary and secondary EMSs before backing up.
Caution Cross check before ora_hot_backup.ksh and ora_arch_backup.ksh are scheduled. This
validates database and archived log files for RMAN processes.
a. Log in as oracle, or su - oracle.
b. Enter dbadm -E backup_crosscheck..
c. Ensure the log file has no errors (except the “validation failed for archived log” messages). Ignore
these messages of the /data1/arch/opticalx_yyy.arc files because the validation directs RMAN not
to look for *.arc files. ora_purge_archlog.ksh purges *.arc files.
RMAN-06157: validation failed for archived log
RMAN-08514: archivelog filename=/data1/arch/optical1_25.arc recid=1 stamp=461878656
Step 2 Remove the archive log purge process and schedule the backup processes.
Note Do this on the primary and secondary EMSs.
a. Disable the ora_purge_archlog.ksh process.
b. Enable the ora_hot_backup.ksh process.