Chapter 5 Performing Administrative Tasks
Managing Groups
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Step 8 To save the group, click Save. The new group is displayed and added to the end
of the group selector list. To cancel the group creation and discard your changes,
click Cancel.
Related Topics
• Edit a Group, page 5-32
• Delete a Group, page 5-33
• Overview: Groups, page 5-28
Edit a Group
You can edit user-defined groups, but system-defined groups cannot be edited.
Note Your login determines whether you can use this option.
Step 1 Select Administration > Group Management. The group selector pane and
Group dialog box appear.
Step 2 Select a group to edit from the group selector in the left pane and click Edit. The
Edit Group dialog appears.
Step 3 Change the Name or Description by editing the text in the text boxes.
For information about the characters allowed in group names and descriptions, see
Naming Guidelines, page A-1.
Step 4 To add devices to the group, select a group from the group selector. The devices
in the group appear in the All Available Devices list. Select the group or individual
devices from the list and click Add. Devices are placed in the Devices in Group
Step 5 To add more devices, repeat Step 4.
Step 6 To delete devices from the group, select one or more devices from the Devices in
the Group list and click Remove.