User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
A range within which you expect your network to perform. If a threshold is
exceeded or goes below the expected bounds, you examine the areas for
potential problems. You can create thresholds for a specific device.
This is a diagnostic tool that helps you understand why ping fails or why
applications time out. Using it, can view each hop (or gateway) on the route to
your device and how long each took.
Coordinated Universal Time. Time zone at zero degrees longitude. Formerly
called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and Zulu time.
WEP keys
Wired equivalent privacy (WEP) keys are the IEEE 802.11b standard that offers
a mechanism for securing wireless LAN data streams. The goals of WEP include
access control to prevent unauthorized users who lack a correct WEP key from
gaining access to the network, and privacy to protect wireless LAN data streams
by encrypting them and allowing de-encryption only by users with the correct
WEP keys.
wireless bridge
Designed to connect two or more networks (typically located in different
buildings). Bridges connect hard-to-wire sites, noncontiguous floors, satellite
offices, school or corporate campus settings, temporary networks, and
warehouses. For functional flexibility, the wireless bridge may also be
configured as an access point.