Step 3
A Dialog Boc displays prompting you to enter a new name, enter the new name in the dialog
box and click OK.
How to Use the Collect Logs Screen (Interactive Mode)
Use the Collect Logs Screen to create a log collection. A log collection is a specification that
defines the log group(s) and time range you want to collect logs for. In Interactive Mode, you
create log groups for the currently selected system.
To open the Collect Logs screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Interactive Mode > Trace
and Log > Collect Logs.
To Create a Log Collection
To create a log collection:
Step 1
Optionally, check Merged Log to create a single merged log file from the logs collected by this
Note: When you later download a merged log, the collection will include the individual associated
log files in addition to the merged log itself.
Step 2
Optionally, for ICM system logs only, check Include Binary Data. This causes the log file to
include binary data such as memory allocation, buffer size, etc., but may also substantially
increase file size.
Step 3
Optionally, for ICM system logs only, check Use MS Option for Dumplog. This causes dump
log files to include data in millisecond increments, but may also substantially increase file size.
Step 4
Optionally, for CVP 4.0+ logs only, check Collect Only Error Logs. This limits log collection
to error logs.
Step 5
Specify a time span (in minutes) of logs to collect.
Step 6
Select one or more log groups to collect logs from.
Step 7
Click the Collect LOGS button. The log collection process begins immediately. The amount of
time this process takes to complete depends on the number and size of the logs you requested,
as well as the period of the collection that you specified. You can view collected logs or check
the status of requests on the Log Collections screen.
Note: It is not necessary to remain in-session while a log collection runs. Exiting your Dashboard
session will not terminate a log collection. You can proceed to use other Dashboard Utilities
while a Log Collection runs.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 11: Using Support Tools Utilities from the Dashboard
How to Use the Collect Logs Screen (Interactive Mode)