Install the Support Tools Node
Install the Support Tools Node on each ICM or related Cisco Product you want to manage through Support Tools. The
Support Tools Nodes installation includes:
The Support Tools Node Agent Service
Support Tools Web utilities and certain Unix-style 3rd Party Common Tools.
Support Tools documentation
Note: Other Support Tools utilities are not part of the Support Tools installation. Rather, these utilities already exist
on each node, distributed as part of standard ICM and Windows installations.
Enable ports for Support Tools
Support Tools uses the following ports:
Tomcat (the Cisco CCBU Support Tools HTTP Server) by default listens for HTTP requests on port 8188. It
listens for HTTPS requests (used for SSL) by default on port 8189.
Support Tools requires a port (39100 by default) to communicate between the Support Tools Server and Nodes.
Ensure that this port is available on each node managed by Support Tools.
If a firewall stands between the Support Tools Server and any Support Tools node, and/or between the Support Tools
Server and remote users, you must open these ports on the firewall.
Test the installation
After installing Support Tools, perform a few simple tests to verify that the install was successful.
Post-Installation Configuration
All basic configuration required by Support Tools is set during installation. Immediately after
installation, no further configuration is necessary to begin using the product.
However, as desired, after installation you can modify the settings chosen during installation,
or use certain optional behaviors that require further configuration.
How to Collect Information for Support Tools Installation
Prior to installing Support Tools, collect the following information that you will need to provide
during the install
Step 1
For the Support Tools Server
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 7: Installing Support Tools
About Installing Support Tools