c:\abc\>ctitest: config /hostb <ctiserver_hostnameB> /portB
• In the above example, <ctiserver_hostnameA> <ctiserver_hostnameB> represents the IP
address or host name of the CTI Server or PG side A and B, and <ctiserver_portA>
<ctiserver_portB> represents the port number of side A and B.
• If it is a simplex environment, use "" to specify a null value.
Step 3
Configure the CTI protocol version to 6: c:\abc\>ctitest: config /version 6
Step 4
Configure the service mask to 7: c:\abc\>ctitest: config /service 7
Step 5
It is suggested that you turn off heartbeats while debugging the CTI issues. To configure heartbeat
to -1, use the command: c:\abc\>ctitest: config /hb -1
Step 6
Configure the agent to determine the desired Client Events for Client Mode. These vary
depending on your CTI Server environment: c:\abc\>ctitest: agent /periph
<peripheral_id> /id <agentid> /password <password> /ext <extension> /
inst <instrument>
Note: If there is no agent password required to login, use "" to specify a null value. Run the
agent /? command for help.
Using CTITest - Opening a Session
The open command performs a socket connection to the CTI Server, and issues the appropriate
commands to the CTI Server to establish message communication. By default, the CTITest
repeatedly attempts to open a session until it either opens a session, or the close or quit command
is given. It automatically attempts to connect to the other side following a failure of the CTI
Server. You can open a session after completing a configuration successfully as described below.
c:\abc\>ctitest: open
If your CTITest configuration is correct, a message appears similar to the following:
session #2 opened after 0 ms CCTime 13:52:32 PGStatus NORMAL Peripheral:
If errors are received while opening a session, verify your CTITest configuration as outlined
Using CTITest - Logging In
You can login into the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) that the PG is communicating with,
if the session is successfully opened. Below is the syntax for issuing the login command:
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 13: Using Cisco Common Tools
How to Use the CTITest Utility