Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tips
VXML Problems
Language specified is not accepted or played
Symptom A user specifies a language, but the software does not accept it or play the language entered by
the user.
Error Message None.
Possible Cause If you are trying to use a prompt or recognition grammars, the problem might be that the
language was not successfully installed. Check the language and associated region in the ISO 639
and ISO 3166 standards. If the problem occurs with a Voice Browser, note that the VXML standard
specifies that languages be entered in the form xml:lang=”<ISO 639>-<ISO 3166>” (example:
en-US, fr-CA). Note that the VXML delimiter is a hyphen (-); for the CRS Editor, Application
Administration, locale customization, installation, and prompts, the separator is an underscore (_).
Recommended Action Check the language installation. Check the following ISO references for the correct
language and region representation:
• ISO 639 can be viewed at:
• http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt
• ISO 3166 can be viewed at:
• http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html
Check to be sure you have used the hyphen (-) delimiter for VXML and have used the underscore (_)
delimiter everywhere else.
VXML Problems
This section contains the following troubleshooting tips on Voice XML problems:
• Voice Browser Step troubleshooting steps, page 8-69
• Timeout attribute for non-input does not work, page 8-70
• Menu Choice DTMF does not work, page 8-70
Voice Browser Step troubleshooting steps
Symptom Some guidelines must be followed to avoid troubles when using the Voice Browser step.
Error Message None.
Possible Cause Not applicable here.
Recommended Action To avoid problems, use the following steps:
Step 1 Use CRS Administration to check to be sure subsystems are in service, such as CMT, JTAPI, MRCP
ASR, MRCP TTS, and Voice Browser.
Step 2 Make sure the Universal Resource Identifier (URI) is reachable by testing the URI in a web browser.
Step 3 Make sure the Provider selection is set correctly.
Step 4 If using VXML scripts, specify the desired TTS provider. For example, for Nuance Vocalizer 3.0, the
configuration is as follows:<property name="com.cisco.tts.provider"value="Nuance Vocalizer 3.0"/>