Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tips
High Availability and Bootstrap
<menu id="aa" dtmf="true"> <prompt> Welcome to the automated attendant. To
enter the phone number of the person you are trying to reach, press 1. To
enter the name of the person you are trying to reach, press 2. To transfer to
the operator, press 0.</prompt>
<choice next="#dial_by_extn">1</choice>
<choice next="#dial_by_name">2</choice>
<choice dtmf="0" next="#operator">0 </choice> </menu>
High Availability and Bootstrap
This section contains the following troubleshooting tips on CRS 5.0 high availability and bootstrap
• Transaction Manager cannot start, page 8-71
• Have an exception on startup with a message like "unable to recover transaction" or an error message
related to reading or modifying the "Tx.per" file., page 8-71
Transaction Manager cannot start
Symptom CRS cannot be started since the Transaction Manager failed to start.
Error Message The "BOOTSTRAP_START_ERROR" and "transaction manager is not started"
error messages are in the same log statement.
Possible Cause The third-party Transaction Manager (Mahalo) log in wfavvid\TxnMgrPersistence\ may
be corrupted.
Recommended Action Manually clean TxnMgrPersistence? directory.
Step 1 Shut down the Node Manager.
Step 2 Copy everything in the wfavvid\TxnMgrPersistence\ directory to a backup directory. Then delete all the
files in the wfavvid\TxnMgrPersistence\ directory.
Step 3 Restart the Node Manager.
Have an exception on startup with a message like "unable to recover
transaction" or an error message related to reading or modifying the "Tx.per"
Symptom Symptom #1: in the log, you see TxLoggerException?, TxLoggerIOException?,
TxLoggerClassNotFoundException?, TxLoggerFileNotFoundException?, or other Tx......Exception.
Symptom #2: when bootstrap_mgr debug log is turned on, if you see "Recovery.recover" and "about to
recover." but did not see "Recovery.recover(): total pending tx: or "Recovery.recover(): no pending tx".