Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 3 Alarm Service
Viewing Alarm Messages Sent to a Syslog Server
To view alarm messages that were sent to a third-party Syslog server, refer to the documentation for that
Table 3-2 describes the fields found in Syslog messages.
Ta ble 3-2 Syslog Message Format
Field Example Description
<pri> <128> This field is added so that syslog can read the
severity level. Syslogd looks for this pri value
which is set to LOCAL0|SEVERITY by default.
n: 100: This field mimics the Solaris syslogd, which
prefixes the syslog message with an internal
counter szi. It has no significance to the SAC. The
number is parsed out by the SAC.
MMM DD Aug 09 Abbreviated month day as known at the source.
hh:mm:ss.mmm 19:20:10.209 Time at source device. The UTC time is used to
avoid any time zone name discrepancy.
TimeZone UTC Abbreviated time zone defined in the device, such
as GMT. This field is always set to UTC to avoid
any time zone name discrepancy.
Allowed characters
A-Z 0-9 _
CDP (Cisco Discovery
Protocol), ALIGN
(Memory optimization
in RISC)
A code consisting of two or more uppercase letters
that indicate the facility to which the message
refers. A facility can be a hardware device, a
protocol, or a module of the system software. Note
that this is not the same as the UNIX Syslog server
logging facility.
A-Z 0-9 _
CLAW (Common Link
Access for
Subfacility Code. This field is optional.
SEVERITY 0 A single-digit code from 0 to 7 that reflects the
severity of the condition. The lower the number,
the more serious the situation. Severity also maps
to logging level.
alignment in packet for
The mnemonic code uniquely identifies the error
message. This code is used by CiscoWorks to
associate the syslog message with the message
information in the message catalog.
Message-text Module Failure
A text string describing the condition.
Sample Format:
<LOCAL7|SEVERITY>51:Oct 18 03:28:29.327 PDT: %MIVR-GENERIC-1-ModuleStop: Module has
stopped; Module Name=HTTP SubSystem; Module Failure Cause=Unknown