3.3 Tiling a Display
Whether you use Clarity’s Big Picture™ or an external video processor, your goal is to make the picture fit
together properly at the edges.
Using an external processor
The processor divides a single picture into several sec-
tions and sends each part on a separate cable. Connect these
cables to the proper Bay Cat X.
You can still position the picture with the Bay Cat X
controls, or, with most processors, position and zoom the
picture with the processor controls.
Using Clarity’s Big Picture™
To show the same source on all the Bay Cat Xs in an
array you’ll need to use an external distribution amplifier.
For each unit, set the Aspect Ratio & Wall menu for the
same array size.
Wall Width and Wall Height are the number of units
wide and high for the picture. This may be different from
the physical array size. You could build a 4x4 array of
Bay Cat Xs and use Wall Mode to put a single picture on
the four cubes in the upper left corner, for instance.
• Unit Column and Unit Row represent the position of
the Bay Cat X in this “array.” For example, in a 2 x 3
array of Bay Cat Xs, the unit at the top left corner of the
array would have a Unit Column value of 1 and a Unit
Row value of 3
• Wall Mode, when checked, turns on the Clarity Big
Picture™ feature. When not checked, the unit shows
the whole picture.
✎ Each unit in a “array” gets the whole picture by
feeding them all with a distribution amplifier. The
Aspect Ratio & Wall menu tells the unit what
portion of the entire picture to display.
Frame Compensation
When video units are used in an array, the intent is to
display a large version of an image. However, even the thin-
nest of mullions break up the image oddly.
Main Menu
Size & Position
Aspect Ratio & Wall
Advanced Options
Program Information
Aspect Ratio & Wall
Scale Mode Fill All
Justify Center
Overscan 0%
Border Color Black
Wall Width 1
Wall Height 1
Unit Column 1
Unit Row 1
Wall Mode
Frame Compensation
Frame Height 97 pixels
Frame Width 157 pixels