Serial Port Status Settings
Setting Description
Commands Received The total number of properly formed messages received by this Bobcat X, whether
they were addressed to it or not
Replies Sent Counts the number of replies sent. It counts up to 32767 and then resets to 0
Last Packet Type The kind of packet that was last received. When using the ASCII RS-232 protocol,
the possible types are operation, event (for KY packets) and OEM (for ST packets)
but other types are possible when using the binary protocol (for internal and diag-
nostic use only)
Last Packet Address This Unit Alone – The last packet was addressed to this unit and no others. It will be
acted on and answered
Global -- The last packet was addressed to this unit and also to others. It will be
acted on but not answered.
Not This Unit – The last packet was addressed to a unit or units other than this one.
It will not be acted on or answered
Not Addressed – The last packet was received with address -- or via the binary non
addressed protocol. It will be acted on and answered. If multiple units are con-
nected on the RS-232 chain, the answer may not be properly received, since all
units on the line will be “talking” at once.
Bytes Received
Bytes Sent
Counts the number of bytes received and sent by the unit, even bytes that are not
part of properly formed messages will be shown here.
UART Framing Error The number of bytes that were received by the unit which were not properly formed
according to RS-232 protocol. A high number of framing errors often indicates an
error in the baud rate.
UART Overflow Error The number of characters that were lost due to the units inability to keep up with the
incoming data stream. This should not happen if the protocol is followed.
Group, Unit Group is the Group ID for the unit. Unit is the Unit ID for the unit.
Baud The Baud rate for the unit.
For more information about RS232 settings,
Go to www.ClarityVisual.com.
In the upper line of the home page, click on
Click on the lower blue LOGIN NOW button for specifiers and end-users.
Your login name is “tech”.
Your login password is “help”.
Click on the Bay Cat X section.
Click on the RS232 instructions. Be sure you get the instructions for Bay Cat X RS232, document number 070-0146-xx.