Ta ble of Con tents
Stan dard Fea tures of the ACE 7500 ......................... 2
Im por tant In for ma tion ................................ 3
Re quired In stal la tion Tools ............................. 3
Sys tem Com po nents ................................. 3
Wir ing Dia gram - 12- pin Connector ......................... 4
Wir ing Dia gram - 24- pin Con nec tor ......................... 5
Con trol Unit and Ex tended Range Receiver ..................... 5
Starter and Ig ni tion Con nec tions .......................... 6
Im mo bi li za tion Cir cuits ................................... 6
Starter Con nec tion ..................................... 6
Heater/Air Con di tioner Con nec tion ............................. 6
Ac ces sory Line Con nec tion ................................. 7
Sec on dary Ig ni tion or Heater/AC Wire............................ 7
LED Status In di ca tor................................. 7
Plain View 2 Coded Valet/Programming Switch ................... 7
Door Trig ger/In te rior Light Sup ply.......................... 7
Door Locks..................................... 7-8
Park ing Lights....................................9
Fac tory Theft De ter rent By pass........................... 10
Re verse Lights ...................................10
Brake Lights..................................... 10
Man ual Trans mis sion................................10
Die sel En gine....................................10
RPM Moni tor ing...................................11
Trunk Trig ger....................................11
Re motely Ad just able Dual- Zone Piezo Sen sor ................... 12
Glass Tam per ing Sen sor .............................. 12
Aux il iary A with Se lecta ble Out put Type and AutoAc ti va tion ........... 12
Euro pean Ve hi cle Win dow/Sun roof All- Close........................ 12
Hood Trig ger.................................... 12
High Out put In sig nia Si ren............................. 13
Fi nal Wir ing Con nec tions..............................13
Smart Powe rUp 2 ..................................13
Man da tory RPM Pro gram ming........................... 13
De layed Cour tesy Lights ..............................13
Re mote Con trol Op era tion .............................14
Com pan ion & Mas ter Re mote Con trols ........................... 14
Sen sor Adjustment ................................. 15
Eight- Event To tal Re call...............................15
Pro gram ma ble Fea tures..............................15
Us ing Cliff Net Wiz ard PRO ................................15
Pro gram ming the User- Selectable Fea tures ......................... 16
User- Programmable Fea tures ............................... 16
In staller Pro gram ma ble Fea tures.............................. 17
Sys tem Check list and Trou ble shoot ing ..................... 18-22