
Step 18a: Test the re mote start func tion: AUTO MATIC TRANSMISSION.
Program the system for automatic transmission (factory setting is for manual transmission).
Make sure the gear lever is in PARK, the hood is closed, and the emer gency brake is ON.
nTest 1: Press but ton 4 on the master re mote or the button on the companion remote.
§ Parking lights flash once and engine does not start. System has not be programmed
for automatic transmission. See Installer-Programmable Features.
§ Parking lights flash twice and the en gine starts. Pro ceed to the next test.
§ Parking lights flash three times. Check the ig ni tion switch con nec tion.
§Parking lights flash four times. Check the hood con nec tion.
§Parking lights flash five times. Check the brake con nec tions.
nTest 2: Press the brake pedal.
§ The en gine shuts down. This is the cor rect re sponse. Press button 4 to start the
ve hi cle and pro ceed to the next check.
§ The en gine con tin ues to run. Check the brake con nec tions.
nTest 3: Open the hood.
§ The en gine shuts down. This is the cor rect re sponse. Press button 4 to start the
ve hi cle and pro ceed to the next check.
§ The en gine con tin ues to run. Check the hood con nec tions.
nTest 4: Insert the key into the ignition and try to crank the engine. The starter should
not crank or grind. Push the brake pedal and turn the ignition OFF. Press button 4 again
to start the vehicle.
n Test 5: Leave the engine running. It should turn itself off after 30 minutes.
§ If the system does not pass any of the above tests, verify all wiring connections and
retest the system thoroughly.
Step 18b: Test the re mote start func tion: MANUAL TRANS MIS SION.
1) Start the car us ing the ig ni tion key.
2) Set the emer gency brake, and make sure the transmission is not in gear. Do not step on
the brake pedal.
3) Enable SafeStart pre-enable mode by pressing the ✱✱ button on the remote before
turning off the ignition. This keeps the engine running until you exit and arm.
4) Close all doors, then arm. The en gine stops run ning and is now preset for remote starting.
5) Press button 4 (master) or the button (companion) to start the engine.
NOTE: For safety reasons, the SafeStart pre-enable mode is cancelled if the
alarm is tripped or a door is opened.
Step 19: Com plete and pro vide all nec es sary pa per work in clud ing:
n User’s Manual must be given to the customer.
nAd here the Clif ford win dow de cals to the ve hi cle’s windows.
Step 20: Dem on strate Ba sic Sys tem Operation
nRemote operations:
p Arming/disarming and locking/unlocking
p Panic Feature
p Accessory operation
p Remote Starting (including the SafeStart procedure if manual transmission)
p Remote Valet Mode
n AutoArming and AutoArming Bypass
nValet code entry
nUser-programming mode