Door Locks
WARN ING: If the power door locks do not op er ate prop erly when the sys tem
is armed and dis armed, DO NOT USE THE VE HI CLE’S DOOR LOCK SWITCH!
Per ma nent dam age to the con trol unit or to the car’s elec tri cal sys tem and
lock ser vos will re sult. For assistance, call the Clif ford Tech ni cal Sup port
Hotline PRIOR to wir ing the door locks.
The ACE 7500 provides power door lock interface capabilities and is able to in ter face with
any power door lock con figu ra tion in clud ing
some Mer cedes Benz and Audi ve hi cles that
re quire a 3- second lock pulse (pulse du ra tion
is installer- programmable) and with any car
that requires double unlock pulsing (VW’s
and Nissans, for example). If the ve hi cle is
not equipped with power door locks, you
may op tion ally add up to four #60- 516 Door
Lock Ser vos to provide all the keyless entry
and other door locking/unlocking features
built into the ACE 7500. Some cars may
require adding relays.
De ter min ing the Lock Sys tem Type
1. Remove the door lock switch on the
driver’s side of the vehicle to reveal the
switch wires.
a.If there are four or more wires, make
the connections shown in Diagram 4
for reverse polarity.
b.If there are three wires, proceed to
step 2.
c. If the vehicle is a Nissan and it does
not have a door lock switch, find the
single wire in the driver’s kick panel
that shows ground when the locks are
unlocked and “open” when the locks
are locked. Cut this wire and make the
connections shown in Door
Lock/Unlock Diagram 3.
2. Connect the negative voltmeter lead to
ground and probe each wire while
locking/unlocking. If the voltmeter show
+12v while activating the switch, make
the connections shown in Door
Lock/Unlock Diagram 1 for positive
trigger. Otherwise, go to step 3.
3. Repeat step 2 with the negative
voltmeter lead connected to +12v. If
the voltmeter shows +12v while
activating the switch, make the connections shown in Door Lock/Unlock Diagram 2 for
negative trigger.
4. Locks controlled from the driver’s door key require installation of just one #60-516 servo
in the driver’s door. Vehicles without factory power locks require a servo in each door.
Mount the servo(s) and make the connections shown in Door Lock/Unlock Diagram 5 for
adding servos.
5. On a vacuum-pump-type Mercedes Benz or Audi, make the connections shown in Door
Lock/Unlock Diagram 6, then (if 1989 or older) program the system for a 3-second lock