Firmware Update Information
user enters the SRM console ALPHABIOS command at the SRM console
prompt. AlphaBIOS is a separate, compressed image and is separately
updatable using LFU.
In general, both the SRM and AlphaBIOS consoles should be updated at
the same time since the two images which ship on the update CD-ROM
are typically qualified against one another.
1.3 PCI I/O Option Firmware Components - Revision Information
You can also flash update firmware on certain PCI I/O options supported
by the AlphaServer 4100 using LFU. Version V6.0-4 of the SRM console
provides support for updating the following devices’ firmware:
Table 1–4 I/O Module Firmware Revision Matrix
Name Firmware Rev Update File Used By LFU
KZPDA V5.57 RHSRMROM.SYS, ships with SRM Console
KZPBA V5.57 RHSRMROM.SYS, ships with SRM Console
On a power-up/reset, the SRM console loads adapter firmware from console’s system
flash ROM into NVRAM on the I/O module for all Qlogic ISP1020-based PCI options
such as the KZPDA and KZPBA. One updates SRM console firmware to update
ISP1020-based PCI option firmware. V6.0-4 console ships with V5.57 firmware for
ISP1020-based adapters. Note that this only applies for SRM console booting, i.e. for
customers running DIGITAL UNIX and/or OpenVMS Alpha.
Other options, such as the KZPSC RAID controller also provide firmware
update capability. However, LFU does not support KZPSC or KZPAC
firmware updates. Refer to the Controller Installation and Standalone
Utility User’s Guide for your particular StorageWorks RAID Array
subsystem should you need to update your RAID subsystem’s firmware.
1.4 Configuration Utility Kit and Version Information
The EISA Configuration Utility (ECU) is available on separate media
(floppy disks) for use on AlphaServer 4100 systems. The RAID
Configuration Utility (RCU) ships on both floppy and the Alpha Firmware
CD. The KZPSA Configuration Utility ships on the Alpha Firmware CD.
For compatibility with this firmware release, the minimum revisions of the
configuration utilities given in Table 1–5 must be used if required.