Running EISA, RAID, and Other Configuration Utilities
NOTE:Relocation of AlphaBIOS to a different sector in flash ROM was
implemented in the 5.3 release. Please ensure you have read Chapter 2.
Of particular importance is the change for updating the SRM and
AlphaBIOS firmware. Failure to have followed the procedure properly
will invalid the AlphaBIOS image. This invalid image problem is corrected
by excuting the LFU a second time and updating the AlphaBIOS.
To help configure an AlphaServer 4100 system, various utilities may need
to be run before booting your operating system. The ECU, RCU, and
KZPSA Configuration utilities are examples - these utilities run on top of
the AlphaBIOS console since they use ARC-based callbacks based on the
Advanced RISC Computing (ARC) Specification developed by Microsoft.
4.1 Setting Up Your System to Run ARC-based Utilities
To invoke one or more of these utilities, you must first bring up the
AlphaBIOS console. Do so by entering the ALPHABIOS command at
the SRM console prompt or by setting the SRM console’s OS_TYPE
environment variable (EV) to "NT" and then resetting your machine.
If you have a graphics display device installed in your machine, you may
wish to set the CONSOLE EV to "GRAPHICS" before invoking AlphaBIOS
since it and the associated utilities are graphically oriented. [They do
support serial line mode, however. See Section 4.2 for more details.]
4.2 Using a Serial line Interface to Run ARC-based Utilities
These utilities can be run either in graphics or serial mode. The SRM
console’s CONSOLE environment variable controls which mode AlphaBIOS
runs in at the time it is loaded by the SRM console.
To run AlphaBIOS and ARC-based utilities in serial mode, CONSOLE
must be set SERIAL and the terminal must be a VT320 or greater with
the following settings:
• 8-bit character mode.
• ’~’ key set to send ESC.
Refer to your user documentation (e.g., AlphaServer 4100 System Drawer
User’s Guide) for details about running utilities such as ECU, RCU, and
other ARC-based utilities.