
Purpose of These Release Notes
These release notes are intended for users of the AlphaServer 4100 and
AlphaServer 4000 cabinet- and pedestal-style systems. Henceforth in
these notes, "4100" will be used to refer to both the model 4100 and model
4000. These release notes also support the DIGITAL Server 7000 Models
7300, 7305 and 7310.
This document provides release note information for the following items:
SRM Console - system FEPROM0, sectors 3 - 15
Loadable Firmware Update (LFU) Utility - built into SRM console
OpenVMS Alpha PALcode - system FEPROM0, sector 1
DIGITAL UNIX PALcode - system FEPROM0, sector 1
Extended SROM (XSROM) - system FEPROM0 sectors 0 and 2
Fail-safe Loader (FSL) - aforementioned XSROM sectors
EISA Configuration Utility (ECU) - floppy diskette
RAID Configuration Utility (RCU) - floppy and Alpha FW CD
KZPSA Configuration/Diagnostic Utilities - Alpha FW CD
PCI I/O Adapter Firmware for ISP1020 - shipped in SRM console
PCI I/O Adapter Firmware for KZPSA, DEFPA, and CIPCA - Alpha
AlphaBIOS, which resides in system FEPROM1 and is used to boot
and support Windows NT on the AlphaServer 4100, ships release notes
separately. See Section 1.7 for information about where to find AlphaBIOS
release notes.
AlphaBIOS is also used to run ECU, RCU, and various other ARC-
based utilities which ship on floppy and/or the Alpha Firmware CD.
See Chapter 4 of these release notes and the AlphaServer 4100 System
Drawer User’s Guide for instructions on how to use AlphaBIOS and run
ARC-based utilities.
System flash parts (FEPROM0 and FEPROM1) reside on the PCI
motherboard and logically hang off the EISA/XBUS.
See Table 1–1 for current revision information.