DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide
Upgrading from DCNT to MSCS
DCNT’s Migration Wizard helps customers migrate from DCNT V1.1 to MSCS. The Migration Wizard
has two major components:
• MIGWIZ/RDC (Read DIGITAL Clusters) - checks to ensure that DCNT is installed, reads the DCNT
configuration, and writes that information to a file.
• MIGWIZ/CCS (Configure Cluster Server) - using the configuration information stored by
MIGWIZ/RDC, configures MSCS.
In addition, the Migration Wizard provides:
• DIGITAL Custom Resource DLL Registration Tool that automatically registers DIGITAL custom
resource DLLs.
• A Generic Script DLL that enables the creation of a script failover resource to run NT command
scripts when a resource group come online or goes offline.
It is important that your configuration is listed on Microsoft’s Hardware Compatibility List. This enables
your system to be supported by Microsoft technical assistance. To see if your configuration is supported,
go to:
Select Cluster in the first field; Digital Equipment Corp. in the second field.
If you have a certified configuration, you can either contract with Multivendor Customer Service (MCS) to
install the Migration Wizard software and check your system or install the Migration Wizard software and
check it yourself. If you want DIGITAL to install the software, contact MCS and ask for part number, QR-
SMWNT-BL. If you want to install the software yourself, you can download it from:
Typical DCNT Environment
Supported Servers: DIGITAL Server 1000, 3000, 5000, 7000 families and CPU variants
Operating System: Microsoft® Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3
Failover Services: DCNT software supports failover of:
• NTFS File System
• Microsoft SQL Server 6.5
• Oracle Workgroup Server 7.1 and 7.2
• Lotus Notes Domino 4.6
• Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0
• Netscape SuiteSpot Server 3.0
• Generic application failover via scripting
Network Protocols: TCP/IP, NETBEUI, IPX/SPX
Hardware: Dual Intel-based or Alpha-based DIGITAL Servers, dual PCI Fast-Wide SCSI host
adapters/cables, external shared Hot-Swap storage (RAID or JBOD), dual PCI Ethernet