
DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide
FR-CK700-UR – RA7000 Rackmount DIGITAL Server Cluster Kit
Original Part Number Qty Description
DS-BA370-AA 1 RAID Array 7000 Rackmount enclosure
DS-HSZ70-AH 1 Ultra SCSI RAID controller with 64 MB cache
DS-HS35X-BC 1 Single Ethernet cache battery in SBB
70-33885-01 1 Rackmount kit
This kit replaces the rackmount kit that comes with the DS-
BA370-AA as of June 1998.
17-00083-49 1 US power cord
QB-5SBAE-SA 1 HSZ70 software NTI LIC/MCD and documentation
QB-5SBAD-SA 1 HSZ70 software NTA LIC/MCD and documentation
FR-PCTAZ-FB 2 Adaptec 2944UW Differential Ultra Wide SCSI controller
SWDKT-DD 1 Cluster Enabling Kit
(Windows NT Alpha Cluster Documentation)
Includes: 2 Y-cables, 1 differential SCSI cable, cluster
installation and configuration documentation, 2 terminators,
updated RAID management software and licenses
BN37A-05 1 SCSI shielded cable assembly
BN38E-0B 1 Cable assembly
FR-DE500-BA 2 PCI to fast Ethernet 10/100 UTP adapter with DEC chip
BN24Q-07 1 Crossover UTP cable (for private network)
H8863-AA 1 Terminator, shielded with jack screws
QC-007AF-HC 1 Adaptec Alpha drivers and utility
QB-4QYAA-SA 1 ServerWORKS Manager 3.x
*Only needed for the older Rittal rack, which does not come with angle brackets.
RA3000 Cluster Kit (available today)
Pedestal and Rackmount version: FR-CK300-UP
The RA3000 Cluster Kit supports the RA3000 Pedestal subsystem (DS-SWXRA-GA) with one
controller, 120 V, blue. The RA3000 is a 7 slot pedestal for wide UltraSCSI disk SBBs, and includes
1 HSZ22 two channel controller with 16 MB cache, Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU), two 204
watt power supplies with fans, 5M host SCSI cable (BN37A-05), BN38E-0B adapter, UPS serial
cable, PC connection serial cable (DB-9f), one 120 Volt Un-interuptable power supply (UPS), and
North American power cords. Disks are not included. The RA3000 requires the Solutions Software
Kit for platform (included in the RA3000 Cluster Kit), host adapter (included in the RA3000 Cluster
Kit), and disks. Options include a second HSZ22 controller, 7 disk SBB expansion pedestal, and
cache memory upgrade.