DIGITAL Server Cluster Kits for Windows NT Configuration Guide
FR-CK356-UP - BA356 Pedestal DIGITAL Server Cluster Kit
Original Part Number Qty Description
DS-BA356-KH 1 Ultra SCSI differential channel shelf, 2 dual speed blowers
FR-PCTAZ-FB 2 Adaptec 2944UW Differential Ultra Wide SCSI controller
SWDKT-DD 1 Cluster Enabling Kit
(Windows NT Alpha Cluster Documentation)
Includes: 2 Y-cables, 1 differential SCSI cable, cluster
installation and configuration documentation, 2 terminators,
updated RAID management software and licenses
BN37A-05 1 17-04377-08, 5M SCSI, FAST20 shielded cable assembly,
BN38E-0B 1 Ultra SCSI 17-04554-01 cable assembly .2M .8MM FE to
FR-DE500-BA 2 PCI to Fast Ethernet 10/100 UTP adapter with DECCHIP
BN24Q-07 1 Crossover UTP cable (for private network)
QB-4QYAA-SA 1 ServerWORKS Manager 3.x
ER-CLUSU-IA 1 DIGITAL Server Cluster Installation Guide
QC-007AF-HC 1 Adaptec Alpha drivers and utility