1. Fibre Channel Connection Type:
Use the ↑
↑ ↓
↓ keys to scroll down to “View and Edit Configuration
Parameters,” "Host-side SCSI Parameters," and then "Fibre
Connection Option." A prompt will display all the options. Select
one appropriate for your Fibre channel topology. If connection to
host is through a Fibre hub, choose "Loop only."
If connection to host is through a Fibre switch F_Port or directly to a
server, choose "Point to point only." Proper selection is necessary
and will decrease overhead on data transmission.
A redundant controller configuration should always have its host
connection configured in FC-AL mode. For a switched fabric
configuration, a redundant controller system can be connected to the
FL_ports on an FC switch and then the host computers connect to its
View and Edit Drive-Side Parameters
2. Drive-Side Dual Loop:
Fibre drives are usually configured in a JBOD enclosure. Through
the enclosure backplane, these drives form one or two circuit loops.
You may choose to assemble certain number of disk drives into a
dual-loop configuration using two of the controller channels.
To configure a dual-loop, connect two of the drive channels each to
an FC-AL port on the drive enclosure (JBOD). Please refer to the
related documents that came with your drive enclosure for the
connection details.
The dual-loop configuration not only doubles traffic bandwidth by
separating the transmitting and receiving paths but also provides
path redundancy. I/O traffic will be continued should one data
path fail.