
9.3 Monitoring and Safety Mechanisms
Dynamic Switch Write-Policy
Select “View and edit Configuration parameters” on the main menu
and press [ENTER]. Choose “Caching Parameters,” then press
[ENTER] again. The Caching Parameters menu displays.
To reduce the chance of data loss, Write-back caching can be
disabled by the controller upon the following conditions:
1. Controller failure
2. BBU low or Failed
3. UPS AC Power Loss
4. Power supply Failure
5. Fan Failure
6. Temperature Exceeds Threshold
Note the thresholds on temperature refer to those set for RAID
controller board temperature.
View Peripheral Device Status
Select “View and edit Peripheral Devices” on the main menu and
press [ENTER]. Choose “View Peripheral Device Status,” then
press [ENTER] again. The device list displays.
Below is a list of peripheral devices (enclosure modules) monitored
by the RAID controller unit. Monitoring of device status depends
on enclosure implementation and is accessed through different
interfaces, e.g., SAF-TE, S.E.S., or I
C bus.
1. Device Type
2. Enclosure Descriptor