ar345 Program Manual 6
.2 Input Files
The program mar345 requires the following input files to work properly:
) $MARLOGDIR/mar345.dat
The program continuously saves edited parameters into this file. It is nice to find the progra
in the same state where you left it at startup. However, if mar345.dat cannot be found
program defaults will be used.
XXX is a 3−digit serial number. This file contains essential scanner specific information. Fo
the scanner to produce valid data it is essential to have this file with all entries correspondin
to valid parameters for the scanner. The program mar345 will use program defaults if this fi
is not available.
XXX is a 3−digit serial number. This file contains flat−field corrections and the geometry tab
for transforming spiral images into Cartesian images for all scans at 0.15 mm pixelsize. Th
file is scanner−specific and required to do scans in 0.15 mm pixel modes. The typical size o
this file is 73 MB.
Same as mar23000.XXX but used for all scans at 0.10 mm pixelsize. The typical size of th
file is 103 MB.
See Appendix A and B for more information about input files.
.3 Output Files
The program mar345 writes all relevant messages to standard output but it also produce
several types of log files, depending on the configuration. Since log files can be important t
look at in case of software or hardware problems, the program creates different versions o
log files named:
1.) $MARLOGDIR/log/mar.log.X (always)
2.) $MARLOGDIR/spy/mar.spy.X (configuration file entry: USE SPY)
3.) $MARLOGDIR/lp/mar.lp.X (configuration file entry: USE STATS)
where X is a number running from 1 to 99. All log files reside in the subdirectory assigend b
the logical variable MARLOGDIR. In this directory, there is also a file called "last.log" tha
contains only the version number of the latest (i.e. current) log file and a soft link of mar.lo
to the latest mar.log.X file in subdirectory log. Accordingly, soft links are also set to file
mar.spy and mar.lp if configured..Up to 99 copies of the log files will be kept and the
cyclically overwritten.