Maintenance Schedule
//Fill in servicedateshere
Check reservoir fluid
" 4
0 Changehydraulicfluid
"_ Changehydraulicfilter
a. Lubricatebeamandwedge
Checkengine oil
Changeengineoil _
W Serviceaircleanerfoamfilter
I_ Serviceaircleanerpaperfilter
g..I Cleanengine
General Recommendations
• Always observe safety rules when performing
any maintenance.
• The warranty on this logsplitterdoes not cover
items that have been subjected to operator
abuse or negligence.To receive full value from
the warranty, operator mustmaintain the log
splitteras instructedin this manual•
• Some adjustments willneed to be made
periodicallyto maintain yourunitpropedy.
• Alladjustments inthe Service and Adjustments
section ofthismanual shouldbe checked at least
once each season•
• Followthe maintenance schedule given below.
• Periodicallycheck all fasteners and make sure
these are tight•
,_ WARNING: Always stop the engine and
disconnect spark plug wire before perform-
ingany maintenance or adjustments•
Hydraulic Fluid
Check the hydraulicfluid level inthe log splitter
reservoirtankbefore each use. Fluidlevel should
be 1.5"to2"from the top ofthe tank (seven
gallonsapproximately ).
• Change the hydraulicfluid inthe reservoirevery
100 hoursofoperation. Disconnectthe suction
hosefrom the bottomofthe reservoirtank, and
drainthefluid intoa suitable container. Refill
usingonlyDexron III automatictransmissionfluid
or 10W non-foaming hydraulicfluid. Also, make
sure tochange the hydraulicfilter•
NOTE: Drain the fluidand flushthereservoirtankand
hoses withkerosene whenever any repair work is
performed on the tank, hydraulicpump or valve.
Contaminants in the fluidwilldamage the hydraulic
components.Any repair to thehydrauliccomponents
shouldbe performed by Sears service center.
Hydraulic Filter
Change the hydraulicfilter every 50 hoursof
operation. Use onlya t 0 micronhydraulicfilter•
Beam And Splitting Wedge
Lubricatebothsides ofthe beam (where it
contactsthe splittingwedge) withengine oil
before each use,