Make certain pump is mounted and aligned
Use a flexible "spider" type coupling between
engine and pump drive shafts
Keep hoses clear and unblocked
Bleed air out of hoses before operating
Flush and clean hydraulic system before start-
up after any malfunction or servicing
Use "pipe dope" on all hydraulic fittings
Allow time for warm-up before splitting wood •
Prime the pump before initial start-up by turning
over the engine with spark plug disconnected
• Splitwood with the grain (lengthwise) only
• Use when fluid is below 20+F, or above 150° F.
• Use a solid engine/pump coupling
Force pump when mounting
• Operate through reliefvalvefor several seconds
Attempt to adjust unloading or relief valve
settings without pressure gauges
• Operate with air inhydraulic system
Use Teflon tape on hydraulic fittings
• Attempt to cut wood across the grain.
These accessories were available when the log
splitterwas purchased. These are also available at
most Sears retail outlets, catalog and service centers.
Most Sears stores can order repair parts for you when
you provide the model number of your log splitter.
Tailight Kit