Prepare your logsplitter for storage at the end of the
season or ifthe log splitter will not be used for 30 days
or more.
WARNING: Never store machine withfuel
inthe fuel tank inside ofbuilding where
fumes may reach an openflame or spark, or
where ignitionsourcesare presentsuch as
hot water and space heaters, furnaces,
clothesdryers, stoves, electric motors,etc.
NOTE: A yearly check-up byyour local Sears service
center isa good way tomake certain your log splitter
willprovide maximum performance for thenext
Clean the logsplitterthoroughly.
Wipe unit with an oiled rag to preventrust,
especially wedge and beam.
IMPORTANT: It isimportantto prevent gum deposits
from forming inessentialfuel systempartssuch as
carburetor,fuel filter,fuel hose, or tank during
storage. Also, experience indicates thatalcohol
blended fuels (calledgasohol or usingethanol or
methanol) canattract moisturewhich leads to
separation and formation ofacids during storage.
Acidicgas can damage thefuel system ofan engine
while in storage.
Drain the fuel tank.
Startthe engine and let itrun until the fuel lines
and carburetor are empty.
Drain carburetor by pressing upward on bowl
drain which is located below the carburetor.
Never useengine orcarburetorcleaner products
inthe fuel tank or permanent damage may
Use fresh fuel nextseason.
NOTE: Fuel stabilizer isan aoceptab/e alternative in
mln#771zingtheformation offuel gum deposits during
• Add stabilizer to gasoline in fuel tank or storage
Always follow the mix ratio found on stabilizer
• Run engine at least 10 minutes after adding
stabilizer to allow the stabilizer to reach the
• Do not drain the gas tank and carburetor if using
fuel stabilizer. Drain all theoilfrom the
crankcase (this should be done after the engine
has been operated and is still warm) and refill
the crankcase with fresh oil.
• If you have drained the fuel tank, protect the
inside of the engine as follows.
• Remove spark plug, pourapproximately 1/2
ounce (approximately one tablespoon)ofengine
oil into cylinder and crank slowlyto distributeoil.
• Replace spark plug.
Do not store gasoline from one season to
• Replace your gasoline can if it starts to rust.
Rust and/or dirt in the gasoline will cause
problems. Store unit in a clean, dry area. Do not
store next to corrosive materials, such as
NOTE: If storingin an unventilated or metal storage
shed, be certain to rustproof the equipment by coating
with a light oilor silicone.