
Configuring System Information 131
Port—Indicates that the IP address was assigned to a port.
LAG—Indicates that the IP address was assigned to a Link Aggregated Group
VLAN—Indicates that the IP address was assigned to a VLAN.
Ty p e —Indicates whether the IP address was defined manually as a static IP address or
automatically through DHCP.
Remove—Removes the selected interface from the IP Address drop-down list.
Checked—Removes the interface from the IP Address drop-down list.
Unchecked—Maintains the interface in the IP Address drop-down list.
Adding an IP Interface:
1 Open the IP Interface Parameters page.
2 Click Add. The Add a Static IP Interface page opens:
Add A Static IP Interface Page
Define the IP Address, Interface, Network Mask, or the Prefix Length fields.
4 Select the interface to which the IP interface will be assigned.
5 Click Apply Changes. The new interface is added, and the device is updated.
Displaying the IP Interface Table:
1 Open the IP Interface Parameters page.
2 Click Show All. The IP Interface Table page opens. The IP Interface Table contains
the same fields as the "Defining IP Interfaces".