14 Overview
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When the master unit boots or when inserting or removing a stack member, the master unit
initiates a stacking discover process. If two members are discovered with the same Unit ID,
or a master unit is not found, the entire stack cannot function. The stacking LED remains
Configuration Handling
In a PowerConnect 3324/3348 operative stack, the stack master is responsible for the stack
configuration. Each stack member does not have a separate configuration file. Each port in
the stack has a specific Unit ID/port type and port number, which is part of both the
configuration commands and the configuration files. Configuration files are managed only
from the PowerConnect 3324/3348 stack master, including:
• Saving to the FLASH.
• Uploading Configuration files to an external TFTP Server.
• Downloading Configuration files from an external TFTP Server.
NOTE: Stack configuration for all configured ports is saved, even if the stack is reset and/or the
ports are no longer present.
Configuration files are changed only through explicit user configuration. In addition,
Configuration files are not automatically modified when:
• Units are added.
• Units are removed.
• Units are reassigned Unit IDs.
• Units toggle between stacking mode and stand-alone mode.
Each time the system reboots, the stored configuration is written in the Startup
Configuration file.
If a PowerConnect 3324/3348 stack member is removed from the stack, and then replaced
with the same Unit ID, the stack member is configured with the original device
Only ports that are physically present are displayed in the Dell OpenManage™ Switch
Administrator and can be configured through the web management system. Non-present
ports are configured through the CLI or SNMP interfaces.