Configuring System Information 187
Configuring General Device Tuning Parameters
The General Settings page allows network managers to define general device parameters.
To open the General Settings page:
•Click System > Advanced Settings > General in the Tree View. The General Settings
page opens.
General Settings Page
The General Settings page contains the following columns:
• Attribute—The general setting attribute.
• Current—The current value.
• After Reset—The future (after reset) value. By entering a value in the After Reset
column, memory is allocated to the field table.
The General Tuning page contains the following fields:
• Max RAM Log Entries (1-400)—Indicates the maximum number of RAM Log
entries. When the Log entries are full, the log is cleared and the Log file is restarted.
• Max VLANs when GVRP is enabled (1-256)—Defines the overall number of VLANs
when GVRP is enabled.
NOTE: The maximum number of GVRP VLANs includes all the VLANs participating in GVRP
operation, whether they are static or dynamic VLANs.