DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch
Enter a name for the ISM VLAN into the VLAN Name field and choose a VID between 2 and 4094. Entries in these two fields
must not have been previously configured on the switch or an error message will be prompted to the user. Once these two fields
have been filled, click the Apply button, which will automatically adjust the current window to resemble the following window.
Figure 3- 39. IGMP Snooping Multicast VLAN Settings – Add/Modify window
Both the Add and Modify windows of the IGMP Multicast VLAN Settings have the following configurable fields.
Parameter Description
Enter the name of the new Multicast VLAN to be created. This name can be up to 32 characters
in length. This field will display the pre-created name of a Multicast VLAN in the Modify window.
VID (2-4094)
Add or edit the corresponding VLAN ID of the Multicast VLAN. Users may enter a value between
2 and 4094.
Use the pull-down menu to enable or disable the selected Multicast VLAN.
Member Port
Enter a port or list of ports to be added to the Multicast VLAN. Member ports will become the
untagged members of the multicast VLAN.
Tagged Member
Enter a port or list of ports to be added to the Multicast VLAN. Member ports will become the
tagged members of the multicast VLAN.
Source Port
Enter a port or list of ports to be added to the Multicast VLAN. Source ports will become the
tagged members of the multicast VLAN.
Source Port
Enter a port or list of ports to be added to the Multicast VLAN. Source ports will become the
untagged members of the multicast VLAN.
Replace Source
This field is used to replace the source IP address of incoming packets sent by the host before
being forwarded to the source port.
Remap Priority
The field is used to replace the priority of incoming packets. If None is ticked, the packet’s original
priority is used. The default setting is None.
Click Apply to implement settings made.
To configure the new Multicast VLAN Group List, click the corresponding Modify button in the IGMP Snooping Multicast
VLAN Table which will reveal the following window to be configured.