Defining WLAN
Viewing WLAN Statistics
Page 169
Viewing WLAN Stations
The WLAN Stations Statistics Page contains statistics regarding WLAN stations. To view WLAN station statistics:
1. Click WLAN > Statistics >Stations. The WLAN Stations Statistics Page opens:
Figure 105:WLAN Stations Statistics Page
The WLAN Stations Statistics Page contains the following fields:
• Stations — Contains a drop-down list of the WLAN stations for which statistics can be displayed.
• Refresh Rate — Defines the amount of time that passes before the statistics are refreshed. The possible
field values are:
– 15 Sec—Indicates that the statistics are refreshed every 15 seconds.
– 30 Sec—Indicates that the statistics are refreshed every 30 seconds.
– 60 Sec—Indicates that the statistics are refreshed every 60 seconds.
– No Refresh—Indicates that the statistics are not refreshed.
• Rx Frames— Displays the number of packets received on the port.
• Tx Frames— Displays the number of packets sent from the port.
• Rx Mic Errors — Displays the number of MIC frames received on the port.
2. Select a station and refresh time, the station statistics are displayed.