Device Description
LED Definitions
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The sytstem LEDs are on the DXS/DWS-3227/3227P device in on the left side of the device.
The following figure illustrates the DXS/DWS-3227/3227P system LEDs:
Figure 14: DXS/DWS-3227/3227P LEDs
The LED indications are described in the following table:
Table 4: System’s LED Indications
LED Description LED
PWR Green The device is powered up.
Off The device is not powered up.
FAN Red Indicates a faulty fan.
Off All fans are functioning correctly.
Fault Red Flashing The device is currently running POST.
Red The device detected POST running error.
RPS Green The device is powered through the RPS.
Off The device is powered through the AC.
P49/P50 (DXS/DWS-3250) - Link/Act for
XG port
Green Link established on the port.
P25/P26/P27 (DXS/DWS-3227/3227P) -
Link/Act for XG port
Green Link established on the port.
Green Flashing There is data transmission on the port.
Off No link is established on the port.
MS Red Device is designated as the stack Master.
Green Device is designated as stack member.
Off Not a member of a stack (standalone).
PoE Green Power is provided at this port
Off Power is not provided at this port