Appendix C: Alarm Advisory Messages • C-5
Dial To Day Time Site 2 Failed 20 E2 tried to dial out to the site listed as Day Time Site
2 and was unsuccessful.
Dial To Day Time Site 3 Failed 20 E2 tried to dial out to the site listed as Day Time Site
3 and was unsuccessful.
Dial To Night Site 1 Failed 20 E2 tried to dial out to the site listed as Night Site 1
and was unsuccessful.
Dial To Night Site 2 Failed 20 E2 tried to dial out to the site listed as Night Site 2
and was unsuccessful.
Dial To Night Site 3 Failed 20 E2 tried to dial out to the site listed as Night Site 3
and was unsuccessful.
Did Not Defrost User A case circuit did not enter defrost at its scheduled
Did Not Exit Defrost User A CC-100 or CS-100 that entered defrost did not ter-
minate or exit defrost at its programmed time.
Did Not Exit Wait User A CC-100 or CS-100 terminated defrost and entered
the WAIT state, but did not exit the WAIT state when
refrigeration re-started.
Did Not Exit Wash User A CC-100 or CS-100 did not exit Clean Mode.
Did Not Respond To command User A CC-100 or CS-100 did not respond to an E2 com-
Did Not Terminate Defrost User Defrost in a standard circuit lasted for its entire pro-
grammed time duration and did not terminate. Usu-
ally this means the termination sensor did not record
a temperature higher than its setpoint, but it could
also mean sensor failure has occurred.
Did Not Wash User A case circuit that was ordered to go into cleaning
mode did not successfully enter Clean Mode.
Differential Limit Exceeded User The difference between the supply air temperature
and the return air temperature in an HVAC applica-
tion was less than the programmed heating or cooling
differential setpoint. This might indicate a problem
with cooling or heating.
Dirty Filter Detected 30 A filter-checking device connected to an ARTC/
MultiFlex RTU is detecting a dirty filter.
Discharge Trip User A high discharge pressure detected by a Suction
Group application has caused an emergency shut
down of the compressor rack.
Door Open 30 EC2, EC3
Duplicate Controller Names 20 Two controllers on the network have the same names.
One of them will need to be renamed to prevent com
munications problems.
Events Per Hour Exceeded Limit User A digital value has transitioned ON more times in the
past hour than its defined Events Per Hour setpoint.
Alarm Name