Appendix E: Compressed Point Log Sample Limits and Precision Table • E-1
Appendix E: Compressed Point Log Sample
Limits and Precision Table
Medium Resolution Low Resolution
Engineering Unit Low Clip High Clip Precision Low Clip High Clip Precision
Degrees Centigrade* -200 1,500 0.0259427 -40 97.7778 0.555556
Degrees Fahrenheit -328 2,732 0.0466969 -40 208 1
Differential Temperature
Delta Degrees Centigrade* -200 200 0.00610417 -68.889 68.889 0.555556
Delta Degrees Fahrenheit -360 360 0.0109875 -124 124 1
Temperature Change Rate
Degrees Centigrade Per Minute* -50 50 0.00152604 -6.889 6.889 0.055556
Degrees Fahrenheit Per Minute -90 90 0.00274688 -12 12 0.1
Degrees Centigrade Per Hour -3,000 3,000 0.0915625 -413.333 413.333 3.3333
Degrees Fahrenheit Per Hour -5,400 5,400 0.164813 -744 744 6
Pascals* -100,000 20,000,000 306.734 -100,000 4,200,000 17339
Kilopascals -100 20,000 0.306734 -100 4,200 17.3387
Pounds Per Square Inch -14.50 2,901 0.0444881 -14.5038 609.160 2.51477
Bars -1 200 0.00306734 -1 42 0.173387
Pascals (low readings)* -1,250 5,000 0.0953776 -1,250 3,500 19.1532
Inches of Water -5.02 20.0732 0.000382906 -5.018 14.0512 0.0768931
Centimeters of Water -12.75 50.9870 0.000972604 -12.7468 35.6909 0.195313
Differential Pressure
Delta Pascals -2,000,000 2,000,000 61.0417 -500,000 500,000 4032.26
Delta Kilopascals -2,000 2,000 0.0610417 -500 500 4.03226
Delta Pounds Per Square Inch -290.08 290.076 0.00885336 -72.5190 72.5190 0.584831
Delta Bars -20 20 0.000610417 -5 5 0.0403226
Delta Pascals (low readings)* -3,000 3,000 0.0915625 -1,000 1,000 8.06452
Delta Inches of Water -12.04 12.0439 0.000367590 -4.01463 4.01463 0.03237606
Delta Centimeters of Water -30.59 30.5922 0.000933700 -10.1974 10.1974 0.08223710
Relative Humidity* 0 100 0.00152604 0 100 0.403226
Light Level
Lux* 0 25,000 0.381510 0 10,000 40.3226
Foot-Candles 0 2,323.5 0.0354576 0 929.400 3.74758
Electrical Voltage
Volts* -3,276.8 3,276.1 0.1 0 496 2
Electrical Current
Amps* 0 6,552.90 0.1 0 4,960 20
Milliamps 0 6,552,900 100 0 4,960,000 20000
Electrical Resistance
Ohms* 0 655,290 10 0 496,000 2000
Watts* 0 6,552,900 100 0 496,000 2000