
6-6 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1614 Rev 4 5-JAN-2013
Use these formulas to determine if the wire gauge you are
using fits within specification:
Figure 6-3 - Power Wire Lengths
14 AWG:
Feet = 1920/VA
18 AWG:
Feet = 739/VA
(VA is the total VA rating of the I/O boards)
For example, if you had an 80 VA load:
14 AWG: 24 ft
18 AWG: 9 ft (rounded down)
Sensors requiring 24VAC can be powered from the
same transformer powering
the input board as long as the
resulting total load of both the input board(s) and the sen-
sor(s) connected to the transformer does not
exceed the
transformer’s VA rating. Consult Section 6.1.9, Powering
the I/O Boards, and Section 8.6.1, Po
wering Echelon
Devices for more information.
6.1.10 Board Installation
The following pages give step-by-step graphical
instructions on all steps necessary to install each I/O Net-
work device so that it is powered up and able to communi-
cate with E2. If these devices have not
yet been mounted,
refer to Section 3.2, M
ounting I/O Boards for mounting
instructions for these devices.
6.2 IMC/Prodigy Rooftop
Unit Controllers
All E2 Building Controller (BX) versions 2.21F01 and
above may communicate with IMC/Prodigy rooftop units
equipped with IMC/Prodigy control boards version M4-1
or higher. E2 controllers version 2.30F01 and above may
use any of the RS485 I/O ports (COM2, COM4, or
COM6) as a IMC/Prodigy communication port. Version
2.21F01 E2 units may only connect IMC/Prodigys to an
RS485 Expansion Card. Connectivity to IMC/Prodigy is a
licensed feature and must be purchased from Emerson
Retail Solutions.
The IMC/Prodigy interface has
its own technical bulle-
tin explaining installation, network setup, and E2 configu-
ration. Refer to T
echnical Bulletin 026-4117.
E2 controllers version 2.30F01 or greater may select
MODBUS as a network type. The E2 supports connection
to certain MODBUS devices including but not limited to
Control Link CD, Control Link RSC, Control Link ACC,
XR, XM and XEV series controllers.
NOTE: The E2 always acts as the MODBUS
Master. No other MODBUS Master devices
y be on the same network as the E2.
6.3.1 Control Techniques Drive
Using the MODBUS network type, E2 controllers can
communicate with the Control Techniques variable-speed
drive (VSD). There are three different VSD models the E2
communicates with: Commander SE, Commander SK,
and Unidrive SP drive types.
Note that all CT drives are 2 stop bits, with no parity.
BUS specifies 1 stop bit, CT drives will
configure the General Services setting for stop bits and
always communicate with the drives using 2 stop bits. The
E2 calculates the difference and adjusts for the additional
stop bit.
Configure the COM port the CT drive will
connect to
by pressing Alt + M to open the serial configuration man-
ager. Set the COM port to MODBUS and the bau
d rate
(match the baud rate on the CT drive). For more informa-
tion on setting up serial ports, go to Section 5, Serial
The Control Techniques VSD has its own technical
lletin that explains interfacing with E2 (P/N 026-4122).
The installation and operation manual explaining the VSD
is maintained by Control Techniques. Contact your Con-
trol Techniques representative for a
copy of this manual.