NGA 2000 CLD
Instruction Manual
June 2007
A - 4 Analyzer System Architecture Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co.OHG
Table A-1: Possibilities of NGA 2000 I/O combinations
System unit SIO/DIO-Configuration
CLD/FID/HFID analyzer module (AM):
• without front panel,
i.e. without control unit (host)
• can be combined with
a platform,
a MLT analyzer,
a TFID analyzer;
a CAT 200 analyzer or
a customer developed control unit
• No local CLD/FID/HFID I/O’s
Platform (Control Module Software):
• Control unit with front panel
• Without measurement channels
• 1 SIO and up to 4 DIO's (or 5 DIO's)
can be installed in the platform
(CM I/O’s)
• SIO and DIO’s can be configured
for all AM channels connected to the
CLD analyzer
• CLD analyzer module into a platform with
front panel
• CLD analyzer module combined with
MLT/TFID/CAT 200 analyzer
• 1 SIO and 4 DIO’s (or 5 DIO’s) can be
installed in the platform
• 1 SIO and 1 DIO (or 2 DIO’s) can be
installed in the MLT/TFID/CAT 200
analyzer (CM I/O)
• SIO and DIO can be configured
for all AM’s connected to the
MLT/TFID/CAT 200 analyzer